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You have to pick:

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.
You turn into a tree whenever you're exposed to sunlight. The process takes half an hour, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. You only age while in human form.


I would love this... I am mainly nocturnal anyway and I would get to live twice as long!


you extend your life significantly by migrating to one of the polar circles and being exposed to sunlight for days/months at a time


This has got to be one of the best options, seeing as most of the ones it ends up with would be cool if everyone could do.


If you're wanting to remain a tree deliberately I'm sure it would be possible to rig up suitably sun-like artificial lighting to do it for as long as desired.


Except there are a lot of bad options on this site too.


I could see this working out relatively well as a global thing. Humanity would simply become nocturnal, though people working at particular jobs could stay "awake" through the day by staying indoors or maybe wearing protective clothing.

I live in a city that's quite far north so things would get kind of interesting here - during the winter I don't normally see the Sun anyway (it's dark when I leave for work and when I come home), and during the summer there'd be only a fairly brief window of darkness at night.

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