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When you die your spirit is reincarnated as another organism (human, animal, plant, anything), and the type of organism is influenced by how good a person you are
When you die your spirit spends between 0 and 1000 years in agony, depending on how good you are. After that you go on to eternal joy.


A good atheist, a good satanist, and a good Hindu are three every different people. What constitutes a "good person?" Do we only have one incarnation to an animal after we die as a human, then we die forever? Or is this a cyclical kind of thing? Do the animals and plants (f*cking plants, really?!) have to be "good" to reincarnate? What determines if a fern or plankton has been good or bad?


@RbrtKurtz: I don't know. But you might want to find out. :P

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