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Options 1356 to 1366

  1. Be a cocaine user & occasionally get important stuff done
  2. Your hair catches on fire every time you say the word "because"
  3. In exactly ten years enough blue whales to cover the entire surface of the earth (evenly distributed over it) will materialize 9000 meters above sea level (and immediately fall). Everyone knows this is coming.
  4. Be lonely, mean and have an IQ of 240
  5. All water in the ocean is teleported into a column above Yellowstone National Park which extends up into the atmosphere. The column completely covers the park and the column's profile going up is in the shape of the park. Whatever force caused this immediately releases the water to behave normally.
  6. Alien space bats suddenly terraform Mars and transport your home city there. The climate is arid but habitable, with vegetation similar to the arctic circle on Earth.
  7. Have 10 ml of fluid from another person's brain injected into your brain
  8. Everyone except you loses the ability to do math and can never relearn
  9. At any time you can turn your hip sockets into a personal jetpack, but if you do it will permanently blow off your legs
  10. Have the body of a cat

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