Options By Popularity

Options 1936 to 1946

  1. Suck raw, shell-less eggs directly from a chicken's butt
  2. Be only able to eat cockroaches
  3. Drown
  4. Have toe-nails for teeth
  5. Have a permanent tattoo on your forehead of Calvin peeing on the symbol for your favorite group/organization (sports team, game company, etc)
  6. You are in a glass box filled with water in the middle of the busiest area of your town. People have gathered to watch the spectacle, assuming its an escape act. You drown.
  7. 1/3 of your 20 closest friends and family members are going to die tomorrow and you have to chose who lives and who dies
  8. A medium-sized cactus suddenly materializes in your small intestine
  9. Accidentally kill a very close family member
  10. Contract leprosy

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