Options By Popularity

Options 551 to 561

  1. Find sneezes "catchy" like yawns. So if anyone sneezes near you, you also sneeze
  2. Everything looks like a cartoon to you
  3. Get rick rolled
  4. Have an awkward one-sided conversation where the other person praises you
  5. Become a pegasus
  6. Have a warm, flat Coca Cola
  7. Whenever you babysit someone you become a female kangaroo with the person(s) being babysat becoming joeys. All the effects end once the parents return.
  8. You are in your favorite local shopping center on a regular shopping day. Suddenly the entire floor turns into a layer of fried chicken.
  9. Live in a world of perpetual St. Patrick's Day
  10. Never see the option this is paired with come up in another Would You Rather

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