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Be the last person left alive on earth

Ranked 1661 of 1996


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Be unable to feel emotion

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45% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth

Get in an accident that severely impedes your mental capacity

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72% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth


Both? Herp. Derp. Derp. Derp. Herp. Derp. Look. A corpse. Derp. Herp.


@sojikari i just creased.

Have your deepest, darkest secret revealed to the world

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36% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth


^_^ If either of these happen the world would know your secret.

+1 for the 'These do not go well together' pile.


Well the dilemma is more that if you were the last person on Earth then you would be alone, while if everyone knew your secret then depending on what that is some people might hate you for it.

Go insane

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46% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth


...and go insane.

Have the symptoms of a very bad cold for the rest of your life

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52% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth


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51% prefer Be the last person left alive on earth


Interesting pairing. The world goes on without me, or I go on without the world.


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