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Find out that that Sasquatch do exist

Ranked 294 of 1996



Why do i care if a Sasquatch exists


It could be quite useful for biologists to study a creature so similar to humans.

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Find out that Elvis really is still alive

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59% prefer Find out that that Sasquatch do exist

Find out that your spouse cheated on you

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100% prefer Find out that that Sasquatch do exist


As long as I don't find both of these out at the same time.

Find out homeopathy really works

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56% prefer Find out that that Sasquatch do exist

Find out that the Loch Ness monster is real

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41% prefer Find out that that Sasquatch do exist


Finding out that saquatch do exist would be a huge boon for science. Such close relatives might give us great insights into medicine.

The loch ness monster might be cool since we could find out about dinosaurs, but it wouldn't be as useful.

Get completely drunk

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71% prefer Find out that that Sasquatch do exist


What if you THINK sasquatches exist, BECAUSE you're drunk?


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