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Wake up covered with bees

Ranked 1662 of 1996



no! not the bees! my eyes! arghrghrhgrhghrrhrg!

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Wake up covered with moths

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8% prefer Wake up covered with bees

Wake up covered with spiders

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52% prefer Wake up covered with bees

The next time you say the word "chair" you die instantly.

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54% prefer Wake up covered with bees

Eat a cockroach

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42% prefer Wake up covered with bees


Allergic to bees. Pass the salt. And the BBQ sauce.

Wake up to find a dead mouse in your mouth

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47% prefer Wake up covered with bees

Wake up covered with cockroaches

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49% prefer Wake up covered with bees


Normally I'd rather be covered in cockroaches than covered in bees, since the cockroaches would just scurry off and hide rather than possibly stinging me. But I don't want them to scurry off and hide _in my house_. So I'll go with the bees.

The only computer you can use from now on is an iPad

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I choose bees, and I'm severely allergic to bees.

Wake up covered with maggots

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50% prefer Wake up covered with bees

Have a mushroom grow on your face which can not be removed without possible brain damage

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85% prefer Wake up covered with bees

Wake up covered with mosquitoes

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43% prefer Wake up covered with bees


@pben32 ...? But the mosquitoes would transmit deadly diseases to you.


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