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Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.

Ranked 859 of 1996



Ugh. I'd only be sentient during winter. No thanks.


You're sentient as a tree too, though in a sufficiently tree-like way that you don't go nuts from not being able to move. It's maaagic.


well whens harvest???? :D

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It was always winter

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52% prefer Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.


I want to be an ent. ^.^
Yay for tree peoples.

Swim with hippos

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62% prefer Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.


As long as I'm not ripped down, I wouldn't mind only being mobile in the cold seasons!

You turn into a tree whenever you're exposed to sunlight. The process takes half an hour, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. You only age while in human form.

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62% prefer Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.

The other option this is paired with happens to every male human on Earth.

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47% prefer Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.

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39% prefer Every spring you turn into a tree. The process takes several days, allowing you opportunity to find a good spot to root. After you lose your leaves in autumn you change back into a human again. You only age while in human form.


This would have some drastic repercussions to society if it happened to everyone on Earth. My main concern would be agricultural - farmers wouldn't be able to tend their fields during summer, and the rooting/de-rooting times might even interfere with planting and harvest times. We'd only need half as much food though, so that may somewhat ameliorate the problem. Another concern is personal safety in tree form. If everyone's a tree, what happens if there's a major fire in the city? What about the inhabitants of drought-stricken areas? Caterpillar infestations eating leaves, or worse, elephant infestations knocking trees down? Not to mention the infrastructure damage from all those roots growing and retracting every year and from everything being left unattended during the summer.

So, although having it happen just to me is sucky, it might be best in the long run.


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