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Get ebola

Ranked 1933 of 1996


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Get radiation poisoning

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42% prefer Get ebola


Radiation poisoning covers a whole range of "feel nauseous for a few days" through "guaranteed death within a few days" to "your liquefied organs are coming out _right now_." Ebola's got a fatality rate ranging from 50–89%, depending on the species or viral strain. Radiation poisoning has a long-term elevated risk of cancer, whereas if you survive ebola you're done with it and as far as I know there are no long-term consequences. Hm... all comes down to how bad the radiation poisoning is, I think. If it's very mild I'd go with that, but otherwise I think ebola's the best bet in the long term.


living with radiation atm i don't want to answer this.


Oh crap, the last question I got I chose "Everyone on earth will get the next selection you choose." And look what's the next "Would you rather?" I got.


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