Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
49% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
Be able to transform into any other person
53% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
59% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty closest friends
52% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
80% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
Be able to turn into a motorcycle
80% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.
67% prefer Be able to transform into any type of animal but not other humans (you can transform back into yourself)
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