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Live in a video game

Ranked 241 of 1996



would i be able to bring anyone? or would a clone or something take my place? would my family and friends remember me? irl if i just dissapered nearly everyone within a 3 mile radius of where i live would be devastated


Live in a video game. Like be transported into a already existing game and you only experience the total of that games story and only are allowed the actions within the restraints of the games rules or engine limitation?

Or can you live in a game like the Matrix? Where your body is in one of them pressure point/bedsore proof beds while you're hooked up to IV's for nutrition and you just live in a video game that's infinite and controlled by your mind. And it also feels like your in the game, you can feel yourself walk and would not believe your in a bed somewhere if you didn't know any better.
If the game is something like Second Life. Where smut is limitless and I could do/be whatever i want. Then I choose Live in a Video Game for $500 Alex.


You are in the game world, free to do whatever you want. But the only things that exist are the levels for the game, and the laws of physics work the same way as the game.

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