You have to pick:

Forget everything that happened before the last 15 minutes, but be able to see and change the future up to 10 years.

Ranked 615 of 1996



I could live with this.


If I remember people and how I feel for them, then definitely this would be amazing.


before choosing this, i would make note of everyone that i know, even if it would take more than 15 minutes i would have a note to remind me. If i have long term memory loss as a result of this id keep adding to the note, which would become a notebook by then


for the last fifteen minutes. hmmm
you could remeber remebering things

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Be able to see everything that happened in the past or will happen in the future but not be able to change it.

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45% prefer Forget everything that happened before the last 15 minutes, but be able to see and change the future up to 10 years.

Eat a handful of swedish berries

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49% prefer Forget everything that happened before the last 15 minutes, but be able to see and change the future up to 10 years.


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