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Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

Ranked 1123 of 1996


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Wear the opposite gender's clothing (including underwear) for the rest of your life

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67% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

The other option this is paired with happens to 50% of the people on Earth, chosen at random. You don't know whether you will be among them.

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44% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders


The 50% option basically randomizes everyone's gender in this case - no matter what gender you went to bed as yesterday, you've got a roughly 50/50 chance of either when you wake up.

Be of a different skin colour than you are currently

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40% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

Get completely drunk

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33% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders


I could see one leading to the other.

Every female within 100 feet of you becomes pregnant

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58% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders


Changed genders for sure.

... What? I'm curious.

Have a prehensile tail

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51% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

The other option this is paired with happens to every male human on Earth.

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60% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

Wake up one morning to find that, although you haven't actually changed genders, you look like you have.

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79% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

Face a painful and torturous death.

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87% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

The other option this is paired with happens to you and also happens to your twenty worst enemies

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41% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders


Tempting as it is to throw my enemies a curve ball, the downside is that they'll probably figure out pretty quick that I had something to do with it.

Your home city was suffering from an infestation of elephants - they're everywhere, getting into every nook and cranny, and no matter how many are killed there always seem to be more.

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51% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

The other option this is paired with happens to every female human on Earth.

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68% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.

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38% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders

Be cursed to have the head of a donkey (modified so that you can still speak normally)

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90% prefer Wake up one morning to find you have changed genders


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