You have to pick:

Be rich

Ranked 24 of 1996


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Be healthy

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33% prefer Be rich


If you're rich you can buy a robot and import your mind to it when your body dies, if you're healthy, well you're just healthy.

Be famous

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88% prefer Be rich


I think it depends on how famous. Having paparazzi following you around all the time would suck, but moderate fame, like having 100,000 subs on my YouTube account, would be nice.

Be loved

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29% prefer Be rich

Have the ability to climb walls, spin webs, and leap amazing distances much like Spider-Man can.

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20% prefer Be rich


I'm pretty sure if I had those abilities, I'd be rich anyway.

Eat a $50 bill

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100% prefer Be rich


If you consider having $50 being rich then this is a real dillema


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