Options By Popularity
Options 143 to 153
You can control RC cars with your mind
Technology is developed to launch and maintain spacecraft for about the same amount of money it takes to create and maintain a small car
You gain access to a comprehensive electronic encyclopedia from 10 years in the future, but only for one day (24 hours).
Have a pet velociraptor. It is well-behaved, but only for you.
A distant relative you didn't know about dies and you inherit a library of ancient esoteric tomes describing secret histories and dark rituals. Most of them are probably forgotten hoaxes or crackpottery... probably...
You gain access to a comprehensive electronic encyclopedia from 50 years in the future, but only for one hour.
Have an incredibly acute sense of smell, like a bloodhound
Win an Olympic gold medal
Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained
Instantly receive $1,000,000 but then become unemployed for the next ten years