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Options 880 to 890
The option this is paired with will happen in exactly 10 years and everyone knows about it
Thou must speaketh only in Early Modern English (aka "Shakespearean" English), with thee/thou/thy/thine/etc.
Fart in an elevator every time there is only one other person in it
Justin Beiber dies, but you have to go to his funeral where they play all his songs back to back in memory of him
Wear an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini
Have a co-worker that you have to work with for five years who you think likes you, but at the end of the five years you find out secretly hates you and has only been tolerating and humoring you
It turns out that all theories pertaining to general relativy are false (all experiments proving it were faked as part of a conspiracy)
Whenever you laugh (for any reason) you simply say "tee-hee"
Justin Beiber breaks both his legs but continues to release music for the rest of his life
Be Princess Peach