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Win a Nobel Prize

Ranked 90 of 1996


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Never have to pay taxes again

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39% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Be able to fly

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21% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Win a million dollars

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60% prefer Win a Nobel Prize


Note that as of 2009 the Nobel Prize includes a cash award worth 1.4 million dollars, so this one should be a no-brainer.

Become the president of the United States

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74% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Be the CEO of a major corporation

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47% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Fall in love

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29% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Wear an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini

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90% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Have your video go viral on YouTube

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84% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Win an Olympic gold medal

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73% prefer Win a Nobel Prize

Star in a movie

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61% prefer Win a Nobel Prize


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