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Be the CEO of a major corporation

Ranked 134 of 1996



I'd make a terrible CEO.


On the other hand, the severance package is usually quite good for CEOs...

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Have a book published

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61% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


Have a soul and get lots of money or be a demonic idiot.


Neither of those necessarily follows, Austen. Most books don't earn their authors boatloads of cash, and CEOs are generally not idiots. As CEO, one would be able to run the company however one wanted, demoniacally or angelically (until the board of directors fired you, of course).

Be able to fly

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29% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation

Win a Nobel Prize

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52% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation

Win a million dollars

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50% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


Being CEO means I'd have to do a whole lot of high-stress stuff that I don't actually know how to do, and I'd be responsible to the shareholders and the board of directors for my failings. I'm sure I could wring more than a million dollars out of the company before getting fired but I'd prefer the lesser amount with no stress and acrimony involved.

Become the president of the United States

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79% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation

Fall in love

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36% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation

Have your video go viral on YouTube

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80% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation

Be unable to feel guilt

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80% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


Aren't they the same?

Own a motorcycle

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53% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


If I was CEO of a major corporation, I could by several motorcycles.

Every time you open a door there is a 1% chance that it will become a temporary portal to another existing doorway of the same size located anywhere else in the world (selected randomly)

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58% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


For this specific pairing though, If I was a ceo of a major corporation I wouldn't need the magic random doors, I could fly anywhere I damn please.

Star in a movie

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62% prefer Be the CEO of a major corporation


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