You have to pick:

You're being chased by a fast zombie

Ranked 1413 of 1996



Rule number 2 of the zombie survival guide: double tap.


emma I would have went with rule number 1, cardio

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You're being chased by a fat zombie

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3% prefer You're being chased by a fast zombie

Have people think you are a jerk

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0% prefer You're being chased by a fast zombie


Do people think I'm a jerk because I tricked the zombie into chasing them instead?

You're being chased by six dozen slow zombies

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11% prefer You're being chased by a fast zombie


This really depends on where you are. If you are out in the open, I totally pick slow zombies, you'll easily escape, especially if you can get to a vehicle. But if you are in a confined space where the fact of the matter is that you'll have to kill them all eventually then one fast is just one to kill. Although if the enclosed space has a loop perhaps you can just keep moving around and around until help comes. All told, without any other info I'll pick the slow - thats better in more cases. Although there are cases where fast would be better.


You can WALK away from slow zombies.


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